Benefits and applications of Visual SLAM technology

Simultaneous visual mapping and localization is a process that determines the orientation and position of a sensor in relation to …

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New technology empowers families to improve communication, learning and cognition at home

Most of us know a child with a speech, language, or learning disability or an adult who has cognitive or …

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Educational technology: what does a classroom look like today?

It is an exciting time for education and technology. Educational technology is constantly improving and is a more common place …

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Latest advances in science and technology

Researchers perform largest human disease gene sequencing to date According to reports published on May 23, 2013, researchers at the …

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Is technology changing the shape of our brain? Should we change our education system to match?

Not long ago, I was discussing with our think tank some of the challenges with all of this new technology …

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Impact of technology on business

Along with the advancement of science and technology, technological innovations also grew, resulting in the emergence of new equipment and …

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Technology and its effects on those over 55 in restaurants

The restaurant business is poised for a technological revolution, but could trouble be imminent? Having new technology like mobile ordering …

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How to stay up to date on IT and technology with articles

Reading articles online, written by people who know what they’re talking about, is perhaps the best way to stay up …

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A new definition of technology: the scientific texts that guide human activity

Advances in technology will send humans to Mars in the near future. Internet of things, 5G, artificial intelligence, automated driving, …

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The history of 3D technology

3D technology can be traced back to the beginning of photography. In 1844, David Brewster invented the stereoscope. It was …

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