Top 7 Information Technology and Technical Exams for Certifications

If you are a professional working in the information technology (IT) industry, you will be aware of the intensely competitive …

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Prototyping technology must be kept up to date

Product developers know that they must engage in close exchange with producers at all times to obtain prototypes of their …

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Using Blockchain Technology Companies for Trade Finance

One of the most conducive industries for blockchain technology is trade finance. Many of the world’s largest banks are spending …

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Auto Technology – Audi and Volkswagon, Radar Following and Auto Safety

Where is the new auto technology? Where is it? We have it now, shouldn’t we use it to reduce the …

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emerging technology

Does our future hold flying spaceships, technology that answers us, or robotics that steal jobs from humans? I personally think …

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What is the role of information technology?

Strictly speaking, Information Technology (IT) has been influencing society for thousands of years. Smoke signals, the abacus, writing, paper, pens, …

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Green technology

Greentech, also known as environmental technology (envirotech) and cleantech (cleantech), is the integration of modern technology and environmental science to …

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Science and Technology – Definition by Real Life Examples

How could someone define what Science and Technology is? Science is the search for deep knowledge. Scientists investigate the world …

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Consider the future of coal-to-liquids technology

With some rapidly depleting natural resources, such as oil, we will face a fuel crisis in the near future if …

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