Health Care Reform – Why Are People So Worked Up?

Why are Americans so worked up about health care reform? Statements such as “don’t touch my Medicare” or “everyone should …

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6 Types of Health That Make Up You Part I

“Take Control Of Your Health Naturally” What Does Physical Health Mean? Physical health can be explained as being the “condition” …

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Health Literacy Is for the Healthy

Health Literacy

“Health Literacy” is the ability to read, understand and act upon health information. And, more than half of the American …

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Home Health Care Equipment

Home Health Care Equipment

Home health care equipment makes it possible for people to be directly involved in maintaining their own health care. Medical …

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The Affordable Alternative to Traditional Individual Health Insurance

Traditional Individual Health Insurance

As a way to begin let’s define what I mean by traditional health insurance. The traditional health insurance policy is …

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The Health Benefits of Oak Aged Wines and Spirits

There are several aspects to any health benefits of oak aged wines and spirits. The first component is the wine …

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Improving Your Vision Health With The Blackberry Fruit

Blackberry Fruit

Some of the general health benefits of the blackberry fruit includes diabetes prevention, better immunity, cancer prevention and better heart …

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The Many Health And Fitness Benefits Of Sports

If you are on this page, chances are that you are interested in finding out the health and fitness benefits …

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Health Insurance Horror

If you were like me in your 20’s (or maybe you’re in your 20’s now) you had little use for …

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Mental Health – Depression

The early stage of depression is very important. Most people quietly suffer depression and are never diagnosed, while some treat …

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