55 creative entertainment ideas for your next event or gathering

1. Hire a comedian who can poke fun at your CEO a bit, impersonate him or even poke fun at …

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Blow The Doors Off Your Sales Training Event With Great Entertainment Options

When you go the distance to train your sales team for a brand new marketing and sales effort over a …

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Your Event Deserves Hollywood Cover Band Entertainment

Is there a training event in your future? Our Hollywood cover band entertainers are prepared to maximize your event with …

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Book Corporate Event Entertainment With Confidence

Business sales training events require value driven entertainment, to improve memories of the event’s training. You can book corporate event …

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Different Types of Entertainment

Before we look into different types of entertainment, first let’s define what entertainment is. Entertainment is any kind of activity …

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Show Bands – Classic Entertainment Options

How to Build a Highly Effective Team begins with great entertainment at team training events. You’d be shocked if you …

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7 Las Vegas Style Entertainment Options for Your Corporate Event

Las Vegas has some pretty amazing entertainment options that are NOT located in the City of Lights and Sin. One …

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Corporate Entertainment – Sales Training at Corporate Events

When your team needs sales training, but they’re struggling to be a team, what do you do? Plan a training …

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