Technology And Christianity

The Christian religion tells the facts that the God created the world and all the living and non-living things that …

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MotoMint – Automobile and Car Videos Application


Introduction of MotoMint MotoMint is an application targeting the automobile industry. It basically fetches automobile and car videos from across …

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Benefits of Life Insurance for Seniors

The majority of senior residents of North America are not able to afford long-term care due to the high cost. …

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10 Business Axioms – Required Reading

1) Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I’ll understand. Chinese proverb. Why …

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Magnetic Stainless Steel Bracelets for General Health

There are several types of magnetic stainless steel bracelets to appeal to people’s different preferences. The bracelets come in bangle …

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Top Ten Hardest Sports in the World

We constantly find ourselves arguing about the most difficult sports in the world. Based on their own personal inabilities to …

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Show Bands – Classic Entertainment Options

How to Build a Highly Effective Team begins with great entertainment at team training events. You’d be shocked if you …

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Negotiating Technology Contracts

Have you ever tried to negotiate a deal for software, computer equipment, or consulting services with a technology company? The …

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It’s a Doozie – The History of the Duisenberg Automobile Classic Motor Car

It can be said that many of the greatest things in life start off with humble beginnings. So is it …

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Earthquake Insurance in California

As the water began to drain from New Orleans in 2005, we learned that most of the homeowners in New …

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