Advantages and Disadvantages of Point-of-Service Health Plans

Point-of-Service (POS) plans are one of the many health insurance options available to you and your family. A unique type …

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Growing Indian Automobile Industry

In the race to be a superpower, India is making frequent and astounding advancements in all fields. From power generation …

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The Many Advantages of Outdoor Sports

Outdoor sports can never outweigh computer or video games in terms of advantages. Spending a day outdoors may take high …

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A To Z About Automobile Transmission

The history of automatic transmissions can be dated long back. Every car enthusiast is aware of the subtle difference between …

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Mobile Friendly Insurance Agency Website Checklist

With over 50% of website visitors and email recipients viewing information on their mobile devices, and many doing so from …

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20 Small Business Survival Strategies

How to survive tough economic times without laying off employees. As a business owner or manager, during the last 18 …

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Blow The Doors Off Your Sales Training Event With Great Entertainment Options

When you go the distance to train your sales team for a brand new marketing and sales effort over a …

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The Relationship Between Science, Technology, and Society

Science and technology is the best thing society could ever ask for. Since the industrial revolution in the 18th century …

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Potholes and Their Effect on the Health of Pregnant Women

It is estimated that 650 potholes open up every minute in North American streets and highways, or 341,640,000 per year. …

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The History of Water Sports

Swimming is noted in many of the classics as relating to heroism and religion. Nicolas Wynman’s Dialogue Concerning the Art …

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