Nursing Informatics: Integrating Health Care with Information Technology

What is Nursing Informatics? Nursing Informatics is the integration of clinical nursing with information management and computer processes. It is …

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emerging technology

Does our future hold flying spaceships, technology that answers us, or robotics that steal jobs from humans? I personally think …

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What is the role of information technology?

Strictly speaking, Information Technology (IT) has been influencing society for thousands of years. Smoke signals, the abacus, writing, paper, pens, …

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Go Rock Climbing – Featuring the Next Era of Rock Climbing Technology

Perhaps you have seen that famous quote; “go climb a rock.” In some aspects, it is used in a derogatory …

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Green technology

Greentech, also known as environmental technology (envirotech) and cleantech (cleantech), is the integration of modern technology and environmental science to …

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Science and Technology – Definition by Real Life Examples

How could someone define what Science and Technology is? Science is the search for deep knowledge. Scientists investigate the world …

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Consider the future of coal-to-liquids technology

With some rapidly depleting natural resources, such as oil, we will face a fuel crisis in the near future if …

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7 Ways Technology Can Improve Customer Experience

A top-of-the-line customer experience is the key to business success. It is the goal of every company, but in today’s …

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The advent of New Age technology for science fiction movies

Sci-fi movies are one of the movie genres that have witnessed a lot of changes in our current century. Although …

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5 applications of GPS technology to help with crisis management

Crisis management is an important process that any business must go through. It is even more important for those who …

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