What are electronic health records?

Electronic health records, also called electronic patient records or computerized patient records, are collections of patients’ medical records over a …

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Pet Health Insurance: Is It Right For You And Your Pet?

Just got back from a visit to the vet for all three of my dogs to get their scheduled booster …

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Understanding the health benefits of moderate consumption of red wine

Previous epidemiological studies suggested that alcohol, and therefore wine, beer, and spirits, was the compound responsible for the putative health …

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Top 10 Retiree Health Problems

According to UN statistics, in mid-2019 the world population was 7.7 billion. Of these, 703 million (9.1%) were 65 years …

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How to become a home health care nurse

Nursing General Information and Overview for Home Health Care Home health care allows the patient and family to maintain their …

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Shiso Health Benefits – What Can This Herb Do For You?

The concept of natural medicine and the use of elements to help heal your body naturally is nothing new. In …

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Keep your dog healthy with routine medical care

As a dog owner, you are responsible for keeping your dog healthy with routine medical care. This involves much more …

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The health benefits of curry

Basically, the medical benefits of curry stem from its richly spiced ingredients; here’s the breakdown of the common spices found …

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The health benefits of kickboxing for women

Martial arts like kickboxing are popular as self defense strategies. However, the benefits are not just limited to self-protection. Kickboxing …

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Top 5 Health Benefits of Grilling Food

Having a barbecue is actually a lot of fun – it’s a time to spend quality time with family and …

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