Event Planner Trending: entertainment options and ideas

Event planner trend? Of course, #eventplanner might not be the top hashtag of the day, but I bet if you’re trying to plan a big event, you’re going to be looking for an awesome event planner.

Event Planner Trends –

These are essential elements of planning your event, and your event planner will need you to have these details in place before they are incorporated:

  • Specific purpose of the event and what result you want in the end.
  • Limitations such as budget, time, travel for destination events.
  • Size, number of people, food options and entertainment options.

These three items are likely to be non-negotiables. And you’ll need to be aware of any possible changes before hiring your event planner. Start with these details and start setting up the basic plan before you contact the planner.

Event Structuring Options –

Who will be helping? Already have a team on board? Most business events have speakers aligned within the company, or specific to their purpose. You will want to share this information with your event planner. Know who is in charge of these items and tell your professional planner who they will work with in the company.

  • Food planning and decisions.
  • entertainment decisions.
  • Travel planning and organization.
  • Ultimate location, destination for events.
  • Emergency team. Know who to call in case of an emergency.

Be sure to delegate responsibilities and involve everyone.

Marketing your event –

If your event spans more than the entire company, you’ll want a larger marketing team, but here’s a list of the basics for marketing and attracting company attendance.

  • Design your marketing plan.
  • Define the benefits of attending your event.
  • Decide on media options (social media is ALWAYS good).
  • Incorporate company bloggers.
  • Determine which #eventplannertrending hashtags should represent your event.
  • Set the registration options.
  • Simplify registration and payment with online options.
  • Get YouTube videos of all the speakers. Fragments for sale.
  • Splash entertainment on ALL social media.
  • Increase word of mouth marketing by giving them something to talk about. Keywords and phrases matter.

Of course, you’ll be ready to capture an audience on the big day, but your audience should already be excited, delighted to attend, long before the event. If you’ve done your job as a business, your event planner will have access to all the pertinent information and your marketers will have created a buzz.

Bringing great entertainment to your adventure is an absolute MUST. Your planner should know who is currently trending and popular and be ready with a great selection of big name artists, bands and performers ready to meet your needs.

About wepzo

Zo Nee is the founder and lead writer at Wepzo, covering a diverse range of topics including Business, Technology, Auto, and Finance. With a knack for simplifying complex subjects, Zo delivers clear and engaging insights to keep readers informed and ahead in these dynamic fields. Outside of writing, Zo enjoys exploring the latest gadgets and connecting with industry experts.

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