New Renaissance Technology and the Fate of Homo Entropicus

The problems facing human survival can be solved. The fossil record of the humanoid sphenoid bone tells us that every time that bone changes shape, a new humanoid species emerges. It has been clearly observed that he is now changing shape, and thus the current human species is entering a new phase of existence. The question arises, can technology provide a peaceful transition to the more advanced world of our children’s children? The answer is a scientific yes, but it will require a new technological understanding of ethics, which is currently not part of our technological culture. This essay provides the solution to that problem, which has begun to be understood through the understanding of a new life science chemistry.

A factual classification of the current human species is required, within the domains of modern technology. The term Homo Entropicus is the correct terminology. Modern science, technology, politics and economics are governed entirely by the second law of thermodynamics, or the law of universal entropy, also known as the law of universal chaos. Einstein’s understanding of that law, which he called First law of all science, in fact it defines an aspect of reality, but not everything.

The new chemistry of the life sciences has been well discovered and clearly explains that the entropic energies of the universe are being balanced by the evolution of consciousness. This is precisely the reality that the Nobel Prize in Medicine, Szent Gyorgyi, insisted on. Nanotechnology has confirmed that this evolutionary function is at work within DNA, challenging our outdated understanding of universal entropy decay energies.

The peaceful technological transition into the future is directly associated with the optical holographic engineering principles associated with the evolution of human consciousness. That this is an ethical scientific process can be shown by comparing the new discoveries in chemistry with the original Platonic definitions of Western logic of the life sciences, which also, in effect, denied that entropy should govern all technology.

The classical Greek science of life, represented by the Platonic tradition of Greek philosophy, tried to merge ethics with the model of reality proposed by the philosopher Anagaxoras. His Nous was about the force of gravity that attracts particles in space to create worlds that rotate in harmonic spirals to develop consciousness. Sir Isaac Newton, in his unpublished heresy papers, used the engineering principles of Nous particle motion to defend his “deeper natural philosophy for balancing the mechanical description of the universe,” which today rightly challenges Einstein’s unbalanced understanding of entropy. universal.

amy C. Edmondson is the Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School, where ethics and business practices are researched. Within his biography of Buckminster Fuller, there is a mathematical treatise on Plato’s ethical discovery, from which, he explains, Fuller derived his synergistic concepts of life force, which are now found to work challenging the current unbalanced understanding of the science of death. that governs the thoughts and actions of Homo Entropicus.

We know we must treat Platonic-fulerene chemistry seriously, due to Fuller’s urgent warning about developing Utopia technologies instead of Oblivion. Furthermore, in his famous 1959 Rede Lecture at Cambridge University, the molecular biologist Sir CP Snow referred to scientists who were unwilling to balance their inadequate understanding of entropic law with the lost Greek science of life, as scientific they were endangering their survival. of civilization The solution to this problem involves a new scientific understanding of the logic involved in linking reasoning about matters of religion and human emotions within the emotional consciousness of Homo Entropicus.

In general, parents who associate ethical wisdom with religious teaching may decide to send their children to appropriate preschools, schools, and universities that are associated with religious teaching. In adult life, these students may select colleges with religious traditions, while others may choose those colleges referred to as secular colleges. In general, however, all graduate students must eventually conform to the accepted laws of science, whether within physics, chemistry, medicine, politics, or any other accepted vocation. Traditionally, a Ph.D. becomes a measure of competence in any particular field, the letters Ph.D. denoting Doctor of Philosophy, but without any factual association with the classical life science that those letters are thought to represent.

Educated religious scholars might find themselves capable of engaging in logical debate with their educated secular peers. It is vitally important that both parties realize that their rationale belongs to the same unbalanced understanding that is fundamental to the Homo Entropicus mentality. Whatever line of reasoning they take to argue about their differences is part of an endless emotional and scientific illogic. Some may argue that it is not possible to have a scientific understanding of emotion and spiritual reality. This is incorrect, as the new spiritual or holographic chemistry certainly encompasses both.

NASA’s High Energy Astrophysics Division Library has published papers arguing that Anaxagoras’s Nous is supported by fractal life science logic, which is an impossible concept within the Homo Entropicus worldview. Dr. Candace Pert’s Emotion Molecule, discovered in 1972, appears to function within a universal holographic environment that employs Plato’s principles of spiritual engineering to evolve consciousness. In 1990, the world’s largest technological research institute, IEEE, SPIE Milestone Series, reprinted the mathematical proof that seashells can communicate evolutionary design information across 20 million years of space-time. The laws of physics involved were derived from what can be thought of as fractal life science spiral clockspring forces that reflect aspects of the Nous torsion force.

The electromagnetic language of the evolving sphenoid bone has been found to be the same as the lost Greek language of the Music of the Spheres, used for the evolution of seashells. Obviously, if we want to know where evolution is taking us, we must ask the sphenoid. Having learned their electromagnetic language, it then becomes feasible to generate futuristic survival simulations through space-time, to deduce the technology that our children’s children must develop, and this will allow our peaceful transition into the future.

If Homo Entropicus now makes the simple relevant biological quantum leap, then the entropic disaster will be averted, hence Fuller’s use of the term utopia. Platonic-fulerene chemistry can be compared to our current obsolete chemistry to enact the drama of Fuller’s choice between utopia or oblivion. The rationale behind entropic chemistry is derived from the periodic table of elements, synonymous with the universal destructive energies of entropic atomic decay. The Platonic definition of evil was that it was a destructive property belonging to the formless matter within the atom. We might compare the scenario of Homo Entropicus coming out with a bang or a groan. When it costs more than a barrel of oil to get a barrel of oil, civilization as we know it will cease to exist.

It is encouraging to know that on September 24, 2010, Professors Paolo Manzelli and Massimo Pregnolato received the Georgio Napolitano Medal from Dr. Giovanna Ferri on behalf of the President of the Italian Republic for the research in chemistry carried out by their New Florentine Project Renaissance. His work can be considered to be at the forefront of the science of human survival based on balancing the new science of life with today’s entropic worldview.

Professor Robert Pope©

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Zo Nee is the founder and lead writer at Wepzo, covering a diverse range of topics including Business, Technology, Auto, and Finance. With a knack for simplifying complex subjects, Zo delivers clear and engaging insights to keep readers informed and ahead in these dynamic fields. Outside of writing, Zo enjoys exploring the latest gadgets and connecting with industry experts.

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