Checklist for buying used cars

Potential buyers have the option of buying a used car or buying a new car. The choice of the prospective buyer depends on his budget, financial option and personal preferences. Buying a used car is a little different from walking into a showroom and buying a new car. Buyers tend to overlook some essentials when buying used cars. Here is the checklist of some crucial parameters prospective buyers need to consider when buying a used car.


It is crucial to have a rough budget in mind before looking for used cars. Auto experts recommend that buyers keep at least 20% in reserve in the budget for negotiations. Setting a budget helps buyers shortlist cars that are within their purchasing capabilities.

Car type:

At least two or three different makes, models, and brands of cars should also be listed. For example, if the customer plans to buy a used sedan with a budget of around 2-3 lakhs, then he can go for a Hyundai Accent or a Ford Fiesta. You also have to take into account the year the car was manufactured.


Buyers should take some time to inspect the car after deciding on the type and model of the car. One should be on the lookout for any scratches, dents, or patch jobs on the exterior of the vehicle. It is best to take a local mechanic for inspection. The car should also be inspected for signs of rust or corrosion. After inspecting the exteriors, the interiors of the car should also be inspected. Stained car seat covers or an old music system can be a strong point for price negotiation. One should closely inspect the electrical accessories and the instrument cluster. Do not forget to inspect the engine of the car.

Driving test:

Once the inspection is satisfactorily completed, the buyer must insist on a test drive. One must spend at least thirty minutes to test drive the vehicle. The vehicle must be driven in different landscapes to understand the performance and efficiency. Listen for any unusual noises or vibrations during the test drive. The test drive also helps to verify the operation of the odometer and the air conditioning system.

Document verification:

Every buyer should verify that the seller has legitimate documents for the car. One must request the purchase contract, loan agreement, car registration documents, and insurance-related documents before negotiating the price. Buy the vehicle only if the seller presents all the legitimate documents.

Last but not least; Don’t forget to negotiate the price or terms to get the best deal.

About wepzo

Zo Nee is the founder and lead writer at Wepzo, covering a diverse range of topics including Business, Technology, Auto, and Finance. With a knack for simplifying complex subjects, Zo delivers clear and engaging insights to keep readers informed and ahead in these dynamic fields. Outside of writing, Zo enjoys exploring the latest gadgets and connecting with industry experts.

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