Adolescents and Mental Health

In some ways, the teenage years can be the best time of life, but they can also bring difficulties. It’s only when you’re at that stage that you can really appreciate it. You may experience different circumstances, such as being the best in school, getting in trouble with your peers, feeling discriminated against, getting along with family and friends, and making intelligent judgments. This type of feeling or pressure usually affects adolescents, but it is considered normal for them. But if someone shows a negative disposition towards the issue, it could be considered a warning sign of a mental health disorder. Mental health is a very vital part of the overall health of adolescents.

Studies show that many children and adolescents are experiencing mental health problems, which are confirmed in about 7 percent of children and adolescents between the ages of 11 and 18. Often they have serious emotional upheavals caused by real problems in their family. , school and community life. Some teens can easily handle mental challenges, but some may have a hard time coping with them. Often this causes further problems and eventually leads to the disruption of their lives. Mental health problems can be painful and sometimes serious for teens.

Some mental health disorders are common in adolescents and range from mild to severe. An adolescent can often have more than one disorder and this includes anxiety disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), depression, eating disorders, and schizophrenia. Anxiety disorders are very common in adolescents. It is estimated that 10 out of 100 adolescents have had some type of anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder includes phobia, panic disorder, OCD, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

A teen with ADHD finds it impossible to focus on things and is easily distracted. Most teens with this type of disorder have difficulty concentrating and staying quiet, which also affects their attention span. Bipolar disorder, which is also known as manic-depressive illness, is characterized by inflated low to high mood swings. These symptoms are more difficult to detect in people of a certain age because they are easily confused with normal mood swings. Depression in adolescents is very different from depression in adults because adolescents feel irritable and change their mood from time to time, while adults feel sad and upset. useless most of the time. Teenage depression isn’t just about mood swings and the occasional blues. Depression is a serious problem that affects every aspect of a teenager’s life. Untreated depression for adolescents can lead to problems at school, running away from home, low self-esteem, addiction to Internet or social networking games, self-harm, and dependence on alcohol or drugs for self-medication. At worst, it can lead to suicidal thoughts and actions.

Eating disorders can occur and can be life-threatening because some teens eat to forget and become very unhealthy. An adolescent with bulimia nervosa feels compelled to binge and then feels guilty, which is resolved by purging the food in some way (for example, vomiting). Schizophrenia is a disturbing mental health disorder. Young people with it have psychotic periods in which they are hallucinating.

Remember that mental health problems are treatable. The first thing to do to treat the disease is to know the symptoms and pay attention or worry when warning signs are detected. If a teen says it’s okay without stating any reason to be depressed, you should trust her gut feeling that she may have a mental health disorder. If warning signs are seen in a teenager, it is best to seek professional help. Don’t be shy about seeking help from a doctor or psychologist because it is for your own good and that of your loved one. You can also find help by talking to your parents, school counselor, or a friend.

About wepzo

Zo Nee is the founder and lead writer at Wepzo, covering a diverse range of topics including Business, Technology, Auto, and Finance. With a knack for simplifying complex subjects, Zo delivers clear and engaging insights to keep readers informed and ahead in these dynamic fields. Outside of writing, Zo enjoys exploring the latest gadgets and connecting with industry experts.

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