Establishing Mental Health and COVID Immunity – A Vital Scripture Unscrambled

“‘The tithe of everything that comes from the earth, whether it be the grain of the earth or the fruit of the trees, belongs to the LORD; it is consecrated to the LORD” Lev 27:30.

How is this verse relevant to mental and physical health, particularly in regards to immunity to the coronavirus?

After reading its decoded translation later, we will see how relevant and vital this verse is in defeating COVID.

There is also a practice technique that we can use to get started.

But first, a clarifying context refers to the literal ‘church’ tithe and the ‘biblical’ tithe: there is a big difference, they are not the same, as we will see. Because while many religions refer to the Bible, the Bible does not refer to any religion or ritual.

The Bible, in all its wondrous magnificence, consists of 66 books and 40 authors. An Instructional Manual on the Science of Mind, presents codified wisdom on how humans can grow and develop spiritually in all aspects of mind/body/soul; volumes of advanced knowledge on how to use our mental faculties in positive ways for health, happiness and creativity, to include a rapid immune response to coronavirus and foreign antigens entering the body.

The heavily encoded Biblical syntax is not presented as “reading material” as such, like a novel, but rather as study material to decode and ultimately live through mind/body awareness for optimal wellness, peace. mental and exuberant love that flows freely. . Therefore, the literal interpretation of the Biblical syntax does not fully serve the evolution of the soul as these divinely inspired authors intended.

By forgoing the study of scriptures and the assimilation of their contents into consciousness, we ignore the opportunity to develop consciousness beyond the birth state of the primitive carnal mind, settling instead for sound bites and memory references from the literal interpretations of others rather than direct revelation through our own Master consciousness. within.

The word Religion comes from the Latin Re-ligare: ligare means to bind, thus adding ‘re’ means to reunite, reunite or link the human and the divine, while ‘church’ is translated esoterically: mind/body.

No other person can achieve this ‘relinking’ – of inner divine experience – for us.

In essence, the nature of God is pure awareness: instantaneous omniscient vibrational silence of love that each of us is designed to encounter through natural means of meditation.

Silence is golden, yes, in that, when the mind encounters vibratory love-silence, it is cured, it is completed: an alchemy of the base metal to gold.

The fact is that, at birth, our thought processes are loaded with carnal conditioning from past lives: the deeper mind is operating under subconscious law. A level of programmed soul noise that has corroded the mechanisms of the mind leaving the divine silence with no means through which to reflect into the physiology of the mind/body; therefore, at birth, the ability for spiritual discernment is not immediately available. This carnal or ‘worldly’ corrosion is known biblically as the ‘veil’ of spiritual ignorance.

In the context of the ‘veil’ – cause of divine silence – silenced wisdom – the purpose of the biblical tithe becomes startlingly obvious, as we will see.

Tithing is not giving money to others.

Many have been led to believe that tithing is giving a tenth of our earnings, accumulated wealth, to some church or religion. This is totally false. The biblical meaning of tithing is far from giving money to others in this way.

As clarified above, ‘church’ means mind/body. In this context, the word ‘tithe’ has been greatly misinterpreted, presented solely in the sense of giving to a physical ‘church’.

Many also use ‘tithe’ and ‘ten percent’ in the same sentence, as two separate actions. The word ‘tithe’ in Hebrew means ‘tenth’ or ten percent. Therefore, we cannot say that we are tithing ten percent of something. Being one and the same, grammatically speaking, this doesn’t make any sense.

Tithing, as presented in Scripture, is not at all about giving money, goats, grain, or physical land to anyone. There is no ‘commandment’ to this effect. Framing it otherwise is a man-made concept.

So what is the biblical tithe?

The Bible, as mentioned, is primarily about the science of the mind: guidance on how to maximize the mental faculties to their fullest potential both spiritually and morally. For this result, although it is presented allegorically, it is about the integration of subconscious reactive thought patterns, the “veil”, the recovery of sleeping consciousness and, therefore, encountering the submerged potential of our Being, by Biblically referred to as entering the promised land.

Due to this repressed state of mind, man is said to use only a fraction of his full mental/creative potential. This ‘usable’ fraction of mind is understood to be about one tenth, leaving a valuable resource of ninety percent of consciousness untapped, thus undeveloped.

On a practical level, this controlling tenth dynamic ensures that the other nine-tenths of consciousness’s potential remains submerged and out of spiritual commission; therefore, awareness is through inherited subconscious patterns.

‘Tithing’ is a coded expression for the delivery of this tenth ‘in use’: delivery of the mental processes that assimilate the subconscious content under law.

Therefore, to expand the conscious capacity of the mind, to remove subconscious content, we must surrender or decimate the controlling subconscious mindsets and thought patterns that are held in place by deep residual stress. Tithing like this, on another level, is also giving stress, the fruits of the lower intellect, to God, in silent meditation.

Delivering the tenth is a symbol of earning 0 – completeness – of multiplying 10 to earn 100 thus activating the law of multiplication. In other words, by surrendering the conscious portion of 10% of the mind, it increases a hundredfold to 100%, hence the expansion of consciousness and full mental capacity.

So if we say 10 or a tenth, it doesn’t really matter, because they both attract 0: they both do a tenth in 10, or 10 in 100 [percent] that is, the totally integrated soul.

By giving inside – meditation – we receive in consciousness

Free yourself from this subconscious law [of mind] therefore, it lies in TITHING WITHIN, surrendering the conditioned ego/intellect born within – the tenth part – therefore, the redemption of the nine submerged stores, the redemption of the soul or the return of the prodigal son. For this outcome, tithing is surrendering our stress-dependent mental activity to inner silence, calm, and stillness; which means an unconditional disinterest with our worries, worries, desires and fears. A letting go of the past, present and future, to include achievements, social status and expectations.

This is how the conscience receives immediate spiritual blessings, receives ‘liberation’ from the slavery of the carnal mind, from automatically recurring ‘sin’.

Regular daily meditation develops greater spiritual awareness, thus establishing the permanent liberation of the soul from the subconscious law-enslaved zone.

It now becomes obvious that no amount of external tithing of money, to any person or place, can bring about an internal liberation from the grip of subconscious law, apart from the internal tithing of totally letting go of ‘our tithe’ in meditation. .

Practice for Inner Tithing Meditation

Sit upright in a comfortable chair. Palms open in the lap, eyes gently closed.

Pause for a moment to focus awareness between the eyebrows. Notice the quiet nature of this pause.

Slowly bring this pause awareness into both nostrils. Notice the breath going in and out through both nostrils simultaneously.

Observe the nostrils detachedly.

Let the breath ‘happen’ beyond our conscious doing.

As the breath deepens, narrows in amplitude, transient thoughts will enter the mind. This is normal in meditation. Like the nostrils, simply witness the thoughts neutrally without clicking on their links, the ‘click’ of which serves only to reactivate the ‘veil’, the tenth part, back into action.

However, keep in mind that there is a gap between each one. Widening or deepening this Gap dissolves deep residual stress, breaks down and purifies mental mechanisms, thus allowing transcendental experience. Created by observing the nostrils and thoughts, The Gap expands awareness into the ever-perfect Present Moment: our medium for health, bliss, free-flowing natural happiness and COVID immunity.

Be patient and know that each meditation, including resets and pauses, represents further spiritual growth in our soul’s upward journey towards Wholeness, towards eternal Pure Consciousness.

Building for ten to twenty minutes twice a day would be ideal.

Leviticus 27-30 NIV translation: paraphrased in parentheses.

“‘A tithe (surrender) of all of the earth, (of all our mental worries) if the grain of the ground (seeds of creative thinking) or fruits of the trees, (tree of knowledge: all experiences, good and bad) belongs to the Lord (LORD translates LAW, which means that creation comes from the Laws of nature established by God); is holy to Jehovahby transcending the Laws of nature, the soul rises towards God consciousness and eternal liberation).

This verse is totally related to meditation and transcendence through the surrender of the conditioned ego/intellect to inner transcendental silence.—Primordial-Sound-of-Creation-and-the-Scriptures&id=9836137

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About wepzo

Zo Nee is the founder and lead writer at Wepzo, covering a diverse range of topics including Business, Technology, Auto, and Finance. With a knack for simplifying complex subjects, Zo delivers clear and engaging insights to keep readers informed and ahead in these dynamic fields. Outside of writing, Zo enjoys exploring the latest gadgets and connecting with industry experts.

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