Health Literacy Is for the Healthy

“Health Literacy” is the ability to read, understand and act upon health information. And, more than half of the American population is not proficient on this topic. Unfortunately, the above definition is the point after which most head into the wrong direction. Unless a significant misnomer, by definition, the focus of health literacy should be two-fold, enhancement of functional literacy (period) and increased attention to the issues of health.

The general public reads very little non-commercial, health-related materials, the content being very challenging. Additionally, people consume too much sugar, consume alcohol and excesses of red meats, processed grains, artificial chemical additives, too few and unvaried fruits and vegetables, and eat too much. Many also smoke, use recreational drugs, misuse prescription drugs, exercise too little and engage in other social and recreational activities that are harmful to them physically and psychologically. Much of that which I just described and many more contributors to poor personal and public health are legally accessible and even marketed to you. The question is, who is responsible for your health knowledge and healthy behaviors (health care) versus your medical status (medical care)?

Your mechanic recommends selecting quality fuels, lubricants, and other fluids, and changing them regularly. You should manage your tires’ pressure and watch tread wear. You check your brakes’ function and monitor all for all other signs of possible malfunction. And, although there are plenty of after-market and alternative products and services by which to care for your vehicles, no clear-thinking person deviates demonstrably from use/maintenance recommendations if expecting vehicles to perform well and last. Such is because motor vehicles are sold with maintenance recommendations and schedules that you read, developing your “automotive care literacy”.

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Think of it like this:

  • Health literacy is your reading power for health information. It’s being able to understand medical jargon, interpret test results, and decipher confusing instructions. It’s not about memorizing Latin terms, but about having the basic skills to navigate the healthcare system and make informed choices.
  • It’s your communication shield. Imagine confidently interacting with doctors, asking the right questions, and advocating for your needs. Health literacy empowers you to communicate effectively with healthcare professionals, ensuring you receive the best possible care.
  • It’s your decision-making compass. With a clear understanding of health information, you can make informed choices about your health, from choosing the right treatment options to adopting healthy lifestyle habits. No more feeling lost in a sea of medical jargon – health literacy equips you to chart your own course to well-being.

But wait, I’m healthy, why do I need this?

Here’s why health literacy is a game-changer for everyone:

  • Prevention is key: Even the healthiest individuals can face unexpected health challenges. By understanding risk factors and preventive measures, you can empower yourself to take control of your health and potentially avoid future problems.
  • Chronic disease management: For those living with chronic conditions, health literacy becomes even more crucial. It allows you to manage your condition effectively, understand treatment options, and make informed decisions about your well-being.
  • Empowered families, healthier communities: When individuals have strong health literacy, they can make informed choices for their families, contributing to a healthier community overall. Think of it as a ripple effect, spreading knowledge and empowerment outwards.

So, how can you boost your health literacy?

  • Start small: Read credible health articles, ask questions at doctor’s appointments, and explore online resources from trusted sources like government health agencies or reputable medical organizations.
  • Embrace technology: Utilize health apps, online trackers, and educational videos to learn more about specific health topics.
  • Seek support: Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor or healthcare provider for clarification on medical terms or complex information. They’re there to guide you.
  • Spread the word: Share your knowledge and experiences with others, raising awareness about the importance of health literacy in your community.

The western medical professional community markedly fails to train its cadre well in subjects of prevention, health maintenance, and safe. high performance, physical fitness for the masses. This also includes failure to train them to care substantially about the health literacy of their clientele. Nationally, we spend a lot of money on a Center for Disease Control, Planned Parenthood [primarily STD/STI and services for sex-related diseases], and local public health agencies (focus upon epidemiology, primary medical care, local epidemics management). And, we wrangle politically over the role of government versus the private sector for the provision of all services, particularly those that are values-based. However, public health literacy (education) is a non-revenue generating activity and receives minimal attention.

While in the public many clamor for inalienable rights to comprehensive medical care, the general public doesn’t march for the rights to universal health literacy. Nor does it ask the government to require the market to be more responsible for promoting products, services and social behaviors consistent with universal health. Yet, we must not allow the government, nor the socially and financially empowered to suggest that speaking against “unhealthy” environments, foods, untoward products and behaviors (and effects of) is inappropriate, and thereby “politically incorrect” behavior, unless you want current vocal ideologies to drive health care and not literacy.

Check out these amazing resources to kickstart your health literacy journey:

About wepzo

Zo Nee is the founder and lead writer at Wepzo, covering a diverse range of topics including Business, Technology, Auto, and Finance. With a knack for simplifying complex subjects, Zo delivers clear and engaging insights to keep readers informed and ahead in these dynamic fields. Outside of writing, Zo enjoys exploring the latest gadgets and connecting with industry experts.

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